Will menopause go away on its own? 

Admit it. We've all thought it. Let's say it out loud together... If I just ignore it, will it go away on its own?

If I tough it out for a few years, will the menopause misery just END and leave me feeling like myself again?

I know how tempting that is. I know your doctor might even be telling you to do just that.

But, no. I don't agree. I don't think this is the best choice, and here's why...

Three Reasons to NOT Ignore Menopause

No 1: If your hormone levels drop TOO low post menopause it can contribute to vaginal dryness, weight gain, and more... 

YES! Your hormone levels will be lower after menopause.  

But there's a difference between ideal postmenopausal hormone levels and levels that drop almost to zero.  

And that difference is everything in terms of how you feel. 

If your hormone levels fall below post menopausal ideal and get too close to that zero point it can bring on: 

Vaginal dryness and pain

Low hormone levels can contribute to vaginal dryness, itching, burning and discomfort with intercourse.

Bone loss

Low hormone levels can make you more likely to experience bone loss or fractures, because systemic estrogen helps protect against the bone loss, osteopenia, and osteoporosis. 

Health Conditions

Sufficient hormone levels can help decrease your risks - especially for certain health conditions like osteoporosis, heart disease, stroke, dementia, mood changes, incontinence, weight gain, and increased cholesterol.

Lingering hot flashes and night sweats

If your hormones levels are out of balance or simply too low after menopause it can contribute to hot flashes or night sweats to linger for years, decades even!

Signs of aging coming on too soon

Keeping your hormone levels just a bit higher in the years post menopause can help put off many of the signs of aging for YEARS! (Turn back the clock anyone?) 



The Menopause Blueprint Masterclass

menopause blueprint masterclass

No 2: Menopause symptoms can be too intense and life-disrupting to ignore!

Menopause symptoms can easily be so intense that they significantly affect your ability to

  • Perform well at work (brain fog anyone?)
  • Show up the way you want to in your relationships (Irritability?  Low libido?  Painful intercourse?) 
  • Be there for your family the way you want to - with energy, creativity, and patience
  • Be happy!  (How happy are you going to be if you're not sleeping?)
  • Reduce your creativity and zest for life.  When you're not sleeping or not thinking clearly or exhausted... These are the first to go. 
  • Exercise regularly.  If you're exhausted, not sleeping, or in pain - you're going to work out less. 
  • Stay in good health.  If you're exhausted, moody, or not sleeping - the chances of making great food choices and meditation - not to mention having the energy to think about and prepare healthy food and snacks - is much, much lower. 

No 3: During menopause is the time when you have most control over how you'll experience aging

How you care for your hormone during menopause can determine the path your health is on for the rest of your life including...

How you look.

How you feel.

And when you experience signs of aging.

Seriously - this is BIG. 

Caring for your hormones during and supporting hormone levels after menopause can help keep everything looking and feeling younger for much, much longer - things like your: 

Skin, hair, nails, muscle tone, weight, arthritis, joints, mobility, your ability to travel, exercise, play with your grandkids, keep your brain healthy and your thinking clear. 

Walk away with this:

Don't ignore menopause and just wait for it to resolve on its own.

Menopause is one of the best times to get proactive about your health!  It can help you can feel better during the menopause years and this is the time to choose which path you want your health to be on in all the post menopause years - if you get proactive about it now.  

If you want to know exactly how to do this - I can help.  

We're talking the right diet and lifestyle for your hormones yes... But THE MOST POWERFUL (and easiest) way to do this is with the right, customized herbal combinations.  They're safe, natural, and effective.

Use the FREE RESOURCES below to get started right NOW!

Free masterclass

Three Steps to Easing Menopause Symptoms with Natural Remedies

menopause blueprint masterclass

Get back to enjoying life THIS year!

Thanks so much for joining me today!  Please put your questions & comments in the comments section below, I'd truly love to hear from you!

And better yet - when you try this - let me know how transformative it is!

This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to you to educate you about Chinese medicine in your diet, lifestyle, and supplements and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not personalized health advice. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment.  For my full Disclaimer, please go to https://danalavoielac.com/disclaimer-2/

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