How To Do Bone Health in Menopause Right

Bone health during & after menopause is one of the most misunderstood women's health issues...

In this very special blog video I’m thrilled to have Alison Boden, Registered Dietician and Functional Nutritionist, a food & nutrition expert educated and trained in using food to prevent, reverse, and manage disease who specializes in women’s health.  

And she’s here with us to give you the real story on bone health before menopause and postmenopausal bone health.

Instead of putting it off, find out the special combination of simple but powerful things you can do right now to keep your bones strong and help prevent osteoporosis, osteopenia, and fractures.


Click Here to visit Alison's website to learn more and get in touch with her

First: Why Does Menopause Cause Osteoporosis (and does it really?)

  • Low estrogen levels make it harder for the body to keep bones dense and strong. Estrogen levels drop during menopause.  To learn more about how to boost your estrogen levels during and after menopause CLICK HERE
  • When estrogen levels are lower, you need to make it easier for the body to build and maintain strong, dense bones.  And that’s what this video is about.
  • If you take care of your estrogen levels and give your body the vitamins, minerals, protein, and exercise it needs - you can keep your bones strong and help your body avoid osteoporosis even during and after menopause.
  • This video shows you how to do just that.

Sign #1: Bone Health Is Misunderstood - Taking Calcium & Vitamin D Has NOT Shown to Improve Bone Health!

  • Yes, calcium and Vitamin D are important building blocks for bone health and preventing osteoporosis
  • But, taken alone the calcium often doesn’t get absorbed or doesn’t end up in your bones
  • Minerals are hard to absorb.  Build bone density naturally, and regain bone density over time, taking smaller doses of calcium more often with Vitamin D can help with absorption

How to take calcium & Vitamin D the right way:

  • Your best bet is to focus on food sources of calcium and use supplements just as backup
  • Foods high in calcium like leafy greens contain significantly more calcium if they’re grown on a small farm that takes good care of their soil
  • Take smaller doses of calcium with Vitamin D to increase absorption

Sign #2: Once It’s Absorbed Into Your Bloodstream, Calcium Does NOT Automatically Go Into Your Bones

  • Once you take the right dose of calcium WITH vitamin D it gets absorbed into your bloodstream
  • Calcium cannot stay in your blood for very long - it’ll make you sick
  • So your body needs to send it somewhere else
  • If you have ample Vitamin K2, your body can easily send that calcium to your bones to make them stronger
  • Vitamin K2 is essential for bone strength in menopause or at any age.  Without enough Vitamin K2, your body has trouble sending the calcium to your bones, so to get it out of the bloodstream quickly enough the calcium can turn into bone spurs, kidney stones, or can get into the lining of your arteries causing heart disease.

How to get enough Vitamin K2

  • Food sources are the only proven way to get usable Vitamin K2 (there just isn’t data yet on whether supplements work as well)
  • Foods rich in Vitamin K2 include the fat from grass fed animals like grass-fed beef, grass-fed dairy like yogurt & butter, fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and ESPECIALLY natto (fermented soybeans)

Sign #2: Exercise Is As Important As Diet When It Comes To Bone Health

  • Studies have shown over and over again that impact exercise like short sprints directly correlates to better bone strength in menopause and beyond.
  • Having enough muscle mass also directly correlates to larger and denser bones and is one way to stop bone loss in menopause.

How to exercise for bone health

  • Super long distance running actually leads to weaker bones… It’s the short, intense bursts of sprinting or jumping rope that are great for your bone strength in menopause and after menopause
  • Weight training is essential whether it’s lifting weights or doing push-ups, or walking - keeping your muscle mass high is absolutely key to bone health.  Larger muscles pull on your bones giving the bones a constant reminder to stay strong

Sign #3: Your Bones Need Protein (more as you get older)

  • Without enough protein on board, it’s MUCH harder for your body to keep your bones strong
  • The usual recommendation for protein intake is .8 kg/day - double that is more what will optimize bone health

How To Get The Right Amount Of Protein

  • There are many great protein sources - both animal and vegetarian.  
  • If your gut is healthy protein is pretty easy to absorb
  • If you’re eating animal proteins - they’re GREAT - as long as they’re balanced out by a big enough percentage of vegetables
  • A diet that is predominantly meat and potatoes without enough other vegetables can be acidifying, which is not good for bone health

Your Bones Are Constantly Being Rebuilt & Reabsorbed.  Keeping Them Strong is As Much About Avoiding Excess Reabsorption As It Is About Building new Bone

Avoid things that cause your body to pull too much calcium out of your bones such as

  • Refined sugar
  • Refined grains
  • Soda (regular or diet)
  • Excessively high salt intake
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Any acidifying foods like a diet too high in animal protein without enough vegetables to balance it out

Adaptogenic Herbs Can Help

Calcium and vitamin D - yes - but find out what else women need to know to keep their bones strong.

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What is vitamin K2 - why do you need it for bone health - and how do you get it. Find out now on the blog

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As Alison says.. The right diet is FOUNDATIONAL for keeping your bones healthy during & after menopause.

In fact, the right diet is the most important thing you can do for all your hormonal symptoms and your hormonal health. 

Get started, in the easiest way possible, with the right diet for peri-menopause, menopause, and post menopause 

The Menopausal Woman's Roadmap is no longer available, but get started today with my new free cheatsheets that will get you comprehensively balancing your hormones naturally for maximum relief. 

Use the buttons below to download your free cheatsheets now!

Links Mentioned in the Video

Here are the free resources I currently have available (the best ones ever for sure!) 

Free masterclass

Three Steps to Easing Menopause Symptoms with Natural Remedies

menopause blueprint masterclass

Get back to enjoying life THIS year!

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