Diet VS Herbs For Menopause

Which is better?  Which comes first?  Which is more important?  Diet or herbs for controlling menopause symptoms and feeling great after menopause.  Watch the video to find out. 

In this video we'll cover

  1. 1
    Diet vs Herbs - which is more important during & after menopause?
  2. 2
    Diet vs Herbs - which one comes first when you want to control menopause symptoms or put off signs of aging post menopause?
  3. 3
    How something you don't hear talked about very much, the power of Chinese herbs to turn downward health spirals into upward health spirals, can reverse everything we just covered - and when it should. 
  4. 4
    We'll finish up with two practical tips - one for diet, one for herbs - to get you started using diet & herbs to help your body balance hormones during & after menopause. 

And if you want more natural remedies for menopause..

Ones based in Chinese medicine - for menopause & for preventing signs of aging...

That you can start using right now at home...

Click below to take download my free resources.

Free masterclass

Three Steps to Easing Menopause Symptoms with Natural Remedies

menopause blueprint masterclass

Get back to enjoying life THIS year!

Questions?  Comments?  Let's chat...

Thanks so much for joining me here today!

 I'd love to know what was the one thing that jumped out at you - that you're going to start using right away?  

Please type that into the comments below along with any questions. 

And be sure to check out the other videos in this series. 

Peace & Wellness

 - Dana

This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to you to educate you about Chinese medicine in your diet, lifestyle, and supplements and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not personalized health advice. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment.  For my full Disclaimer, please go to

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