Don't Miss This Two Part Strategy for Menopause Success
If you're not thinking about supporting your hormones in these two ways - all during and after menopause - you're missing an important piece of the big picture.
What is menopause success?
By menopause success I mean:
What is the key to this strategy
This strategy is based on the idea that how well we respond to stress - on every level - determines the state of our health. This ability to respond to stress is sometimes called our resilience or adaptability.
For example
Physical stresses
Physical stresses come in all forms - we respond to them all the time. Everything from our blood vessels contracting and relaxing as we go from sitting to standing to maintain our blood pressure, the inflammation and micro-injuries that need to be repaired every time we exercise, our body heating and cooling itself in hot or cold weather, our immune system responding to attack by a bacterium or virus.
Emotional stresses
Loss, grief, worry about money, family, kids, work, or our health. Pressure. Fear. When these come up do you take a deep breath, do what you can, and then find a way to enjoy your day? Or do you breathe shallowly, release loads of stress chemicals into your bloodstream creating everything from muscle tension, to insomnia, headaches, and indigestion to compromising your immune system?
Stresses of change, menopause, & aging
Tons of changes happen in the body during menopause and the aging process. Your body needs to respond well to each one. For example, your ovaries slow down and don't make much estrogen anymore. Does your body respond by having the adrenal glands start to make some estrogen for you? Or is the body unable to rise to this challenge - leaving your estrogen levels to drop to near zero and bringing on all the symptoms of hormone levels that are too low?
Watch the video for the two parts to ensuring your body will respond well to stress on all levels
Because, big picture, this is the best way to have minimal symptoms during menopause and help protect yourself from experiencing multiple diseases and common signs of aging
Want to get started with this for yourself?
So if you're already experiencing more than mild peri-menopause symptoms or signs of aging or you just know you want to help prevent them...
I can help you get started with both here's how:
Truly customized herbal remedies supported by the best diet and lifestyle for your hormones are the best way to put this two-part strategy into place.
Use my free resources below to learn how to do this in your own life - getting maximum relief and protection.
Free masterclass
Three Steps to Easing Menopause Symptoms with Natural Remedies
Get back to enjoying life THIS year!
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This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to you to educate you about Chinese medicine in your diet, lifestyle, and supplements and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not personalized health advice. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment. For my full Disclaimer, please go to