Why You Need To Know About The Sugar-Menopause Connection

In this video I'll show you the #1 hormone disruptor for women from peri-menopause on...  

And how to use this knowledge to help get fast relief from brain fog, weight gain, insomnia, irritability, depression, and more. 

What is an endocrine disruptor? 


Endocrine Disruptors

What is an endocrine disruptor:  

Hormones are the body’s messengers - carrying instructions to your cells and controlling almost every physiological process that happens in your body.

Imagine your hormones delivering messages to the mailboxes on the outside of certain cells with instructions on what the cells should do. 

Sending out those hormonal messages to the right mailboxes at the right times is the job of your endocrine system - it controls your hormonal activity.

Endocrine disruptors are like vandals who come in and damage your endocrine system - imagine them stealing the mailboxes - so the hormones can’t deliver their messages and the cells don’t know what to do. 

too hot to sleep during menopause

What are examples of endocrine disruptors? 

Endocrine disruptors come in many forms. 

One type that gets talked about a lot is chemicals in our homes - chemical based artificially fragranced cleaning products, preservatives in makeup & skincare, and even plastic packaging for food & drinks.  

And it is good to avoid these as much as possible BUT 

As Dr Christiane Northrup says - the biggest endocrine disruptor - the one that’s probably affecting you more than all those chemicals combined - is SUGAR.

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Why Is Sugar A Problem? 

Why is sugar a problem - and why does it become more of a problem for women during perimenopause and menopause?


Sugar can DIRECTLY decrease the good estrogen in your body, it can be a major factor in difficulty losing weight, difficulty sleeping, and fatigue, irritability, brain fog, and depression.  Sound familiar? 


Here’s how it works: 

Too much sugar in the bloodstream causes the body to turn your own good estrogens like estradiol into another hormone - a catechol estrogen - which is actually a type of stress hormone.  So it robs your body of good estrogens


Too much sugar can also lead to insulin resistance - and this happens even more easily once we hit perimenopause.


Insulin resistance can lead to hormonal imbalances with symptoms like:

Sleep disorder, fatigue, trouble concentrating, feeling moody, irritable and depressed.  

Insulin resistance can also make it incredibly hard to burn stored fat - so if you’re exercising your or dieting like crazy and not losing a pound - this is likely the reason why. 

And guess what - insulin resistance is like another hormone disruptor - again it’s like those mailboxes are not working “your cells no longer react properly to insulin’s instructions (in the mailbox). 

In other words, they don't open up when insulin tries to do its job of ushering glucose (blood sugar) into cells for energy.”

Let's clear up one huge myth for you - eating fat does not make you fat.  

It’s when you eat sugar or eat sugar with fat that the problems start to happen. 

 - as Christiane Nrothrup says,  Fat does not make you fat. Fat plus sugar makes you fat and goes right to your belly. We’ve been lowering the fat in food in recent years and people have gotten fatter and fatter.

So cutting down on sugar can:

1. Help us keep the good estrogens we do have

2. Reduce stress hormone levels

3. Reduce insulin resistance to help relieve insomnia, fatigue, brain fog, moodiness, irritability, and depression

4. Improve our metabolism and make it much easier to lose weight. 


Sugar Is Addctive

BUT - cutting down on sugar can be really hard 

Because sugar makes us feel better.  We get stressed, we want a donut, we eat a donut, we immediately feel better because the sugar goes directly to the opiate receptors in our brain.  

We get physically and mentally addicted to sugar.

Here's how to get off sugar


Find other ways to feel better when you’re stressed!  Exercise - even just a 10 minute walk - is a great way. 


Find healthy, sugar free ways to satisfy your sweet cravings!  They’re real for sure. Chocolate even without the sugar can make you feel better.  But be sure to use ONLY healthy alternative sweeteners like stevia, monkfruit, or for some women erythrithol works too -  and try to include lots of healthy fats in your healthy sweets.


Eat enough of the right kinds of healthy fats (it’s more than you might think.)

Dr Northrup says Women are starved for healthy fat. Fat does not make you fat. Fat plus sugar makes you fat and goes right to your belly. We’ve been lowering the fat in food in recent years and people have gotten fatter and fatter.

Here’s what I want you to do now (Take Action = Feel Better)


Write down ONE of the biggest sources of sugar in your diet.


Find a healthy, sugar free/fat-rich alternative for that food. 


For one week -every time you want to have that sugar - go for a 10 minute walk instead, and then have the fat-rich, sugar-free alternative.

BONUS: Know your numbers.

You can even get tested to find out if you’re experiencing insulin resistance - way before you’d show positive on a test for diabetes. 

Find Healthy Sweets Here

So where does that leave us? 

Cutting down on sugar means getting rid of the #1 hormone disruptor your body is struggling with during & after menopause. 

Cutting down on sugar can help your body hold onto good estrogens, lose weight more easily, increase energy, improve sleep, help with brain fog, irritability, and depression. 

But cutting down on sugar can be really difficult, because it's very addictive.  Use my practical tips for making it easier and avoiding the cravings, deprivation, and dieting that just don't work. 

Questions?  Comments?  Let's chat!  Put your comments in the comments are below or get in touch. 

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This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to you to educate you about Chinese medicine in your diet, lifestyle, and supplements and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not personalized health advice. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment.  For my full Disclaimer, please go to https://danalavoielac.com/disclaimer-2/

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